
Dear Wheatley Wildcats and Other Interested Persons,
Welcome to The Wheatley School Alumni Association Newsletter # 81.
According to Substack, in the first 24 hours after posting, Newsletter # 80 had 3,507 views, 9 likes, and two comments (both positive). Please note that anything underlined is a link-to-a-link or an email address, and anything not is not, because Substack will not allow underlining of anything else.
The response to the request in Newsletter # 80 for people to review the Wheatley Website Lost List was, in a word, WONDERFUL! Special thanks to Bob Holley, 1958, for finding several of his classmates (some, unfortunately, six feet under). And thanks to so many of you, the following people were “Found” (i.e., email addresses were obtained):
1958 - Adelaide Balluff Isaacson, Jeanne Birks, Helen Goldblatt Guttentag, Patricia Judkoff van Gorp, David Stoltz
1960 - Lewis Goodman, Rochelle Levine (now known as Shelly Dicker)
1961 - Joan Matlick Sunshine
1964 - Robert Chester, Rudi van den Elsakker Simko
1965 - Ann Willig Chadab
1966 - Elizabeth Strauss
1967 - Fern Katz Medwin
1968 - Richard Betensky Benay, Robert Ciullo
1969 - Richard Schoenfeld, Marilyn Spielberger Banks
1971 - Laurence Shiller
1972 - Glenn Sweeney
1973 - Eugene Martone
1974 - Bruce Rosenthal
1975 - Heidi Bush, Andrew Schwartz
1980 - Lisa-turned-Lena Ehrenberg
1981 - Howard Aranoff, William Brinkman, Lori Rogers
1982 - Mark Frankel
1983 - Lauren Seidman Kaltman
1984 - Pamela Hirschhorn
1999 - Maria Bashian Halpern, Lindsay Copell Schultz
2002 - Meryl Goodman
Faculty - Jerri Cowen
The following people were recently added to In Memoriam (Deceased)
1958 - Carter McDonald, David Stoltz
1961 - Charles Gregg, Eileen McCoy
1965 - Andrea Levine, Gail Wittkin Sasso
1966 - Gary Schwartz
1969 - Vinni Marie Fiore Malone
1971 - Suzanne Mullane, Joseph Silkes
1972 - Glenn Sweeney
1973 Eugene Martone
Unfortunately, Doug (1964) and Greg (1965) Robinson, who grew up on Arlington Street in Mineola, are still “Lost.” However, both of them may be architects in Arizona, as that is what and where they studied. I am trying to “Link” with Doug. Help (still) wanted!
Wheatley Performance, Friday, November 4th
Takemi Ueno, Class of 1983, will perform with the New Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra on Fri., Nov. 4, at 8 PM, at Symphony Space (Broadway & 95th St.). The program consists of Beethoven's Romance No. 2 for violin and orchestra and Mahler's Fifth Symphony. Unless you are a student or senior ($23) or Symphony Space member ($25), the regular price is $30; however, you can get tickets for $25 at the orchestra's website (http://nasorch.org/advance-ticket-sales/) until 2 PM on Nov. 4.
Another Response to The Passing of Walter Wesley (“Wes”) Wathey, Wheatley Principal 1961-1979

1958 - Robert Holley - “My memory going back to 5th grade was that Mr. Wathey came to Northside as our gym teacher…and he was quite the buzz with the ladies, because he was so handsome. My Mom said that the reason he never wore shorts was that he had participated in the World War II D-Day invasion and his legs were all shot up. Out of curiosity, I discovered that Wathey had served in a dangerous-mission reconnaissance scouting group and had been seriously wounded in his legs. Every time I see the "Longest Day" or any WWII documentary I think of him. He would have been only 20 years old during the war--- one of a kind!
I shared this info way back with Ken Martin, Class of 1960, because he is a Lt. Col. and always interested in military matters, but we agreed that it might not be best to share this with the Wheatley folks while Mr. Wathey was still living, as he was a very, very modest guy
I also researched Mr. Wathey’s family history all the way back to 1776. His father’s family came from St. Maarten in the Dutch West Indies and immigrated to the United States in 1902. His mother was from Barbados, British West Indies, and immigrated in 1908.
Mr. Wathey himself once wrote: “Good to hear from Wheatley Grads. I served with the 2nd Armored Division in World War II. I was a reconnaissance scout, 82nd Reconnaissance Battalion, was wounded twice, and received two purple hearts. The primary duty of the recon unit is to scout ahead of armored units for the presence of enemy troop or armor concentrations, and report back such sightings. Auxiliary duties include guarding road crossings, directing 2nd Armored vehicles to the battle site, and providing rear and flank security. The recon unit is constantly in front of the division's vehicles, and customarily suffers high casualties through ambushes owing its close proximity to the enemy. They are highly mobile and rely on speed and stealth to get their missions done.”
1973 - 50th-Year Fast Approaching - If you are interested in helping form a 50th-Year Reunion Committee, please contact Jody Myers at JODYEMYERS@GMAIL.COM.
The Covid-belated 40th-year reunion of the Class of 1981 will be held on May 6, 2023 at Hendrick’s Tavern, https://www.hendrickstavern.com/ in Roslyn. Email Alan at ALAN.LITTMAN@NFP.COM for further information and/or to indicate interest.
The Usual Words of Wisdom
Thanks to our fabulous Webmaster, Keith Aufhauser (Class of 1963), you can regale yourself with the first 80 Newsletters (and other Wheatley data and arcana) at
Wheatley School Alumni Association Website
Also, thanks to Keith is our search engine, prominently displayed on our home page: type in a word or phrase and you’ll find every place it exists in all previous Newsletters and other on-site material.
I edit all submissions, even material in quotes, for clarity and concision, without any indication thereof. I do not vouch for the accuracy of what people tell me.
We welcome any and all text and photos relevant to The Wheatley School, 11 Bacon Road, Old Westbury, NY 11568, and the people who administered, taught and/or studied there. Art Engoron, Class of 1967
Responses to Stephen Ehre’s Essay in Newsletter # 80
1964 - Davida Tunis Philips - “I want to thank Steve Ehre for his important and interesting post in the last newsletter. I find it difficult to understand what happened to the division of church and state. I agree with everything he said.
1967 - Howard Kirchick - “I was delighted to see Steve Ehre’s comments in the latest newsletter. Along with Dr. Simendinger, Mr. Ehre was one of my favorite teachers although I certainly wasn’t one of his best students.
1968 - Sheli Nan Hershcopf - “Dear Stephen, You wrote a brilliant, articulate understanding of the current political situation. There are many people who throw labels around and have no idea of history’s context. Partly it is a lack of education and partly it is due to algorithms that gravitate to angry and hostile behaviors. These algorithms then are thrust upon users unknowingly, who believe them to be true. This is enormous manipulation that threatens us all.”
1969 - Kathleen Ryan Burke - “After reading Charlie Hill's piece on his son, Trevor, and the story of the courageous Kent family in the context of the ‘patriotism’ comments and the disparaging remarks about readers of the New York Post, I decided to send in my own thoughts on some of the commentary in Newsletter Issue # 77 that I think crossed the line. I have never been known to stir the pot, but # 77 was the first newsletter in my recollection where classmates or ethnic groups were attacked directly or by inference—and then comes # 80, which has finally prompted me to release my own response to both those issues of the newsletter.
First, to deal with some political and social commentaries recently published in # 77, I found some remarks surprisingly personal, ad hominem attacks on fellow graduates. Calling the piece by Jeff Jacobs and Rhonda Kalkin a "screed" is a most unfortunate and malicious characterization. And, as Jeff later adds too kindly, “snarky.” Personally, I enjoyed their piece. While I do not read the NY Post, I noted that many LIRR commuters, like my husband, read this regularly on their way home from work and read the NY Times on their way in. To suggest that reading it is an anomaly by Wheatley standards is condescending and dismissive of Jay Cummings (1960) and others. That Jay’s "political meanderings,” of which I know nothing, are obscure is just another unvarnished insult unbecoming to this Alumni publication. You can disagree with your classmates but do not mock them.
Then, there is the detailed account of an alumnus that, under the veiled framework of a narrative history of his experiences at BU and medical school in Boston in the 60s and early 70s, could be perceived as an attack on Irish Catholics, the Catholic Church and, as an added bogeyman, the Daughters of the American Revolution. Yes, the Catholic Church has a checkered history in Boston, but does the author have to focus all his venom on Catholics in Boston? My husband was born in Boston. There is family history there, as his father attended BC and his mother, like the author, BU, and uncle, Harvard. There was plenty of discrimination against Irish Catholics in Boston and in New England in general. In fact, I discovered that the author had been a physician at a hospital in Portland, Maine. There is a Catholic hospital in Portland, Maine, where 3 of my husband's siblings were born. Why was that Catholic hospital founded? The hospital, Mercy, was founded in 1918 during the pandemic termed “the Spanish Influenza,” because poor Irish Catholics were denied medical care at the local unaffiliated hospital.
I asked my elderly mother-in-law about the dress code the writer said was imposed on BU students by the sinister DAR. My mother-in-law, 94, does recall that she was required to wear a dress. Ironically, my mother-in-law's mother-in-law also happened to be a proud DAR. She didn't think this rule was dictated by the DAR, as this was normal for that time, and the same dress code was imposed by many other universities and schools. By the way, BU still has a dress code for young ladies-- in keeping with the times.
The last thing I would do in this forum would be to get into an abortion debate, but it continues in # 80 with more Catholic bashing, coincidentally by one of my former history teachers. My personal stance on this matter is not something I would share; however, Mr. Ehre starts by decrying the view concerning abortion expressed by a Catholic alumnus and suggests that his view, as a “minority view”, is somehow unworthy and intolerant because the “majority” sees abortion rights otherwise. If the majority says the world is flat, should I accept that as fact? The concept that the majority or the “tyranny of the majority” should trump (sorry!) the genuinely held beliefs or opinion of others is wrong. In this country, we are free to speak and think and have our own opinions, as much as they may stray from the mainstream. Our founding fathers tried to put in place many structures such as the electoral college, two senators from each state, and three branches of government to prevent overreach by the “majority.” As a former history teacher, Mr. Ehre certainly knows this better than I. If he had left it there. perhaps I would have kept silent, but then he goes further attacking SCOTUS. Apparently, now, it is a “right wing court dominated by doctrinaire believers.” Translation: Roman Catholics. What about Sotomayor and Roberts, who are both Catholics? Roberts is more like Anthony Kennedy and Sotomayor reliably left. SCOTUS didn’t strike down abortion: they sent it back to the States. New York’s laws are unchanged and match North Korea and China.
Mr. Ehre also mentions that there is “no viable left extant” in the US. Well, I think some folks may feel that the radical left has been subsumed by the progressive wing of the Democrat party?
As for the decline of standards in education, it is not just because teachers in some parts of this country are poorly paid. America spends more per pupil than most every other country, but we are still falling behind. As recent test scores reveal, the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have made matters worse. The pandemic also revealed, much to the chagrin of many parents, that reading, writing, math and history were not necessarily the focus.
While I came from a Mineola family of modest means, I always felt comfortable at Wheatley, and never felt marginalized or mistreated in any way by my classmates. My experiences at Wheatley were enriching and treasured.
Art does a wonderful job on this newsletter. I am disappointed, though, in the emerging, lightly veiled hostility toward Catholics, which I never felt as a student. Our society is polarized. Let's keep the Wheatley Alumni Newsletter civil and respectful.
1974 - Bill Walzer - “We’ll-said, Steve Ehre.”
Joan and Klaus Feindler - Deceased
Writes Art Engoron (1967) - Wheatley is such an amazing place that even the spouses of the faculty are special. Klaus Feindler, widower of legendary Wheatley language teacher Joan Feindler, was born in Berlin in 1929 and was married to Joan for 50 years. According to an on-line obituary: ‘An engineer by training, he worked for many years at Grumman, involved in developing the lunar module for the Apollo missions. Further, he ran testing for the Grumman/Piccard PX-15, the Ben Franklin underwater submersible research center. Later, he created his own consulting company, Beaumont Environmental, specializing in waste-to-energy processing. He traveled the world over, was dedicated to American military history and the Battle of Bastogne, always had a scientific interest in everything, and was a world-class builder and tinkerer.’ Klaus died of Covid-19 on April 24, 2020, at the age of 90.”
Jeri Cowen - Chairperson of French Department
Writes Jeri - “Everyone who was touched by Wheatley in some way is touched for life! My husband and I have so many Wheatley friends, and we are grateful for all the years we shared together. Thanks, Art. Jeri
1960 - Paul (“Bick”) Keister - Hanging in and Heading South
Writes Bick - “Betsy & I are still ‘hanging in’ down here in Cave Spring, VA, but we’re moving to Indian Land, SC in a few days for warmer weather and to be near our youngest son and his family. Wheatley was a wonderful experience and, as you know, our class was the first to complete four years in the building. I hope my parties in our barn at 19 East Williston Avenue still bring a smile to our classmates! Cheers!”
1965 - Gail Wittkin Sasso - Deceased - On-Line Obituary

Gail Wittkin Sasso, a longtime resident of Croton-on-Hudson, passed away peacefully at home on October 22, 2022. She was born in Brooklyn on June 6, 1947, and was the daughter of the late Herbert and Ethel June (Rose) Wittkin. She was 75.
Gail was raised in Roslyn Heights, Long Island. She was a graduate of New York University and earned her MA in Social Work from Fordham University. Gail then went on to earn her PhD from Smith College in Massachusetts and trained further at the Westchester Centre for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. She was a psychotherapist in private practice.
Gail was a past president of the Croton Harmon Board of Education and a recent member of the Croton-on-Hudson Water Control Commission. She was also a Co-Founder of the local chapter of CCoHope INDIVISIBLE.
Gail is survived by her loving husband of 47 years, John, her two devoted children Karen of Sonoma, CA and Nick (Elizabeth) of Los Angeles CA, her three grandsons; Jack Stanley, Leo, and Sebastian Sasso.
Writes Peter Altschuler (1965) - “Gail has been a presence in my house for more than 50 years — in the art and sculpture she created during our years together at (and after) NYU. She was, in one of those kismet coincidences, the college roommate of my girlfriend (who became my wife) and the girlfriend of my best friend, the composer Peter Lieberson.
Until my family moved to LA we were constant companions. She was a welcome, cheerful, inspiringly talented presence for our children, and we spoke regularly for years and got together when we traveled to New York. We last spoke two months ago, yet she never said a word about her health, so her passing is particularly hard. I will miss her humor, insights, and all the moments when we sang Mozart duets, took bike rides in Brooklyn, had dinner at the Liebersons’ (and encounters with Garbo), and attended my youngest daughter’s acting performances at a very off-Broadway theater in Westchester County. She was a friend who, no matter how long it had been between our phone calls and trips back east, always made it seem as if we’d spoken only yesterday.
Now, with only yesterdays in our future, my present seems more empty than ever before.”
1966-1969 - Glen Greenbaum and Teammates

Front Row - L-R R. Breden(?), Charles Bell (1967), A. Barnett(?), Douglas Colucci (1968)
Back Row - Clint Miller (Manager), David Pinter (1968), David Rubin (1968), James DeGroat (1967), Lawrence Hanft (1967), Glen Greenbaum (1966), Frederick Hanft (1967), Robert Rico (1967), R. Kearns(?), John DeGroat (1969)
Not present for photo F. Cashin (Chaminade?), Frederick Sellerberg (1967)
1966 - Andrea Ibanez - Author
Writes Andrea - “I'm about to publish my 9th book in the Berkshire Cozy Mystery series on Amazon under the pen name Andrea Kress. CHRISTMAS MURDER OF A MISER. It’s in the tradition of the classic whodunnit. Happy Reading!
Andrea Ibanez Website
1967 - Jill Simon Forte - Responding to Judy Berkan’s Essay in Newsletter # 80
Writes Jill - “I was upset to hear about the sad state of affairs in Puerto Rico that Judy Berkan described. Are we headed down that bad road now, too? Hmmmm.
1973 - Todd Glickman - Small Wheatley World

Writes Todd - “On October 26, 2022, I ventured out to San Francisco to volunteer for the non-profit Market Street Railway Society, helping with an event commemorating 75 years of saving the cable cars from being replaced by motor buses. After the event, two friends and I were having lunch at an outdoor café near Fisherman’s Wharf, adjacent to the cable car turntable at Hyde and Beach. I was still wearing a SF cable car conductor’s uniform (the writing says “San Francisco Municipal Railway”), but had my Wheatley Wildcats soft backpack draped over my chair – it’s the one we got at the school-wide reunion. A couple came up to me and said, ‘That’s a coincidence, our kids went to a high school in New York that has the same mascot – is there one here in California?’ I replied, ‘It’s from The Wheatley School, East Williston School District in Old Westbury on Long Island.’ When I introduced myself, they immediately recognized me from being on WCBS Newsradio for 40+ years, and also from Temple Sinai of Roslyn. A terrific chance meeting 2600 miles from Wheatley – all thanks to a small red bag. Go Wildcats!”
1980 - Deborah Rosenthal - October 24, 2022

1981 - John Hughes - Culture Shock at Wheatley
Writes John - “Hi Art, I saw that you lived on Bengeyfield. My ex girlfriend lived on that street...Maryann Villani. She had a big family and was a doll. We are still in touch. She went to Catholic school in Manhasset, I believe, probably St Mary’s. We met in drivers ed at Wheatley in 1980, taught by Mr Platt. I think it cost $10 to take the class?
Wheatley was such a great school, but I was blindly unaware of that at the time. Unfortunately, I drank and smoked a lot of pot when I was there, and was a poor student. I actually graduated close to the bottom of the class and did horribly on my SATs. I redeemed myself in school years later (Dean's List, 3.9 gpa, student speaker at graduation at the Cooper Union), but I really threw away such a blessed opportunity: a stellar school with remarkable teachers. (Everytime I see a list of the top 100 high schools in the country, Wheatley is always on the list). I eventually received a Masters in Education and served honorably in the United States Navy. My poor performance at Wheatley is definitely one of the top five regrets in my life.
Years later, I went back to Wheatley to talk about alcoholism, my story, and recovery to some of the classes. The principal, Mr Glennon, welcomed me back graciously. The prodigal son returned to the scene of the crime, Lol.
Mrs Hennelly was my favorite teacher and always believed in me and thought I was funny. It was staggering to go to the teacher's lounge to deliver a message, and combat all of the chain-smoking teachers on break; Mrs Hennelly chief among them. (I treated Mr Kinas horribly and was blessed to run into him in the late 80s. I apologized profusely for my immature behavior. He was my remedial reading teacher, and I was placed in his class. It was often referred to as “The Dummy Class,” and I was very resentful and full of shame that I could not retain or comprehend what I read.
We moved from Queens in 1976 and it was such a culture shock to go into 8th grade at Wheatley. I dressed/talked differently and was painfully shy. Everyone knew each other for years, and it was difficult to break into a crowd. I eventually gravitated towards some great people, but we enjoyed drinking and behaving in an antisocial manner. I lacked confidence and probably had a learning disability that was never diagnosed. We lived on Shortridge Drive, across East Williston Avenue from the Wheatley Hills Golf Club. It was a striking juxtaposition compared to living near Belmont racetrack in Cambria Heights. I think Mineola was only 11 miles from Cambria, but it was light years away from what I knew. I lived in a very diverse neighborhood and went to catholic school. I could not stay after school b/c it was not always safe to do so. Wheatley and my new neighborhood offered so much more freedom and opportunities. I had never seen a golf course before, and my prior playground was a parking lot.
I thought I would send you a quick note about your old block and here I am blathering on. The newsletter kicks up a lot of feelings even though most of the contributors graduated before my time. Blessings, John
1989 - Alexander Tisch - Two Judges in 60 Centre Street Ceremonial Courtroom

1993 - Antoine Delgrange - Meets With Former Teacher and Current Principal
Antoine Delgrange, 10/22, with wife, two sons, and former teacher Gloria Oliver
Antoine Delgrange and Family

Student and Teacher In Front of The Wheatley School
Writes Art Engoron (1967) - “Antoine Delgrange was a junior-year foreign exchange student at Wheatley during the 1991-92 academic year, having been sponsored by long-time Wheatley language teacher Joan Feindler. (The 1992 Aurora has a photo of him on page 47 and a short article about him on page 132). He lived at 136 Arlington Street, Mineola, with his aunt, Leone Lupatelli and her husband, Edoardo Lupatelli, who were friends with language teacher Aline Desbonnet. Their daughter, Caroline Lupatelli, graduated in 1986 (and is listed as “Lost” in TWSAA records).
Writes Antoine - “Madame Feindler was so kind and nice to me. She helped me with my accent and pronunciation, which were strongly French.🙂. She was so welcoming, and was the kind of person you never forget! Since Wheatley, I have spent 95% of my professional life working for American companies, i.e. 18 years for Procter & Gamble and now four years for Alcon (Eye Care). I have dual French and Swiss citizenship and live in Geneva with my my wife and two sons (15 and 12).
Thank you for having helped me experience one of the best day of my life. I reconnected with Gloria Oliver, and last month we spent a fabulous day together. We started with a family lunch; then we visited the former house of my aunt; and then we visited The Wheatley School with Principal Joseph Wiener. Many great memories and emotional moments were shared together.
One of the highlights was when my older son saw, by chance, my name on one of the Sports Awards plaque for a Tennis trophy and said, “Daddy, we are proud of you…this school is amazing!”
Indeed, Wheatley has been very special for me even though I only stayed one year. It has shaped me and had a massive influence on my career afterwards. On the way back home Gloria & I had a warm discussion about the importance of being grateful. I am grateful to have experienced this very special moment, which my family and I will never forget
Writes Gloria Oliver - “Dear Art, I am still in a euphoric state after spending the day with Antoine and his beautiful family. Thank you a thousand times. Mr. Weiner was pleasant and took us around Wheatley.”
Fan Mail
Faculty (Jerilyn Cowen) - “Thanks for all you do. I look forward to the next newsletter, as I always enjoy reading about everyone and their memories.”
1959 (Tracey Lanthier) - ❤️
1960 (Paul “Bick” Keister) - “Thank you Art, FOR ALL YOU DO!”❤️
1962 (Jon Bagdon) - “More than just a newsletter, you provide an important service, Arthur. You are incredibly generous with your free(?) time.”
1962 (Lois Kass Kleinberg) - ❤️
1962 (Naomi Klotz Obie) - “Thanks for all you are doing for us Wildcats.”
1962 (Paul Richardson) - “Thanks for all your hard work. You are one of the unsung heroes that should get more credit than you do. Just wanted to say thanks.”
1963 (Donna Kenton) - “You have my gratitude.”
1964 (Davida Tunis Philips) - ❤️
1965 (Steve Cohn) - ❤️
1966 (Andrea Ibanez) - “Thank you for the ongoing newsletters and information. Always a great read!”
1966 (Barbara Zenker) - ❤️
1967 (Arthur Brown) - “Art, It is so good to hear from you about our class and the others.”
1967 (Marjorie Gross) - ❤️
1967 (Jill Simon Forte) - “I enjoyed this newsletter so much. And I especially loved Stephen Ehre’s essay.”
1968 (Kevin Angliss) - “I love what you do. Keep up the good work.”
1968 (Peter Barrow) - ❤️
1968 (Sheli Nan Hershcopf) - Hi Artie, Great work in the newsletter! Stephen Ehre and Judith Berkan wrote fantastic essays.”
1968 (Gary Kenton) - “Thanks for all your work herding the Wildcats.”
1969 (Harold Newcomb) - ❤️
1969 (Sarah (“Sookey”) Rosenberg Aldag - “Thanks for all that you do.”
1969 (Kathy Ryan Burke) - “I much enjoy the Newsletters, controversial comments notwithstanding.”
1971 (Phyllis Orlins Trigg) - “Thanks for what you do.”
1972 (Mitchell Markay) - ❤️
1972 (Kathryn Moore Brennan) - ❤️
1973 (Jody Blumberg Coletta) - ❤️
1973 (Jody Myers) - “Thanks for keeping us all together.”
1974 (Gregory Cave) - ❤️
1974 (Debra Copeland) - ❤️
1974 (James Elefonte) - ❤️
1974 (Pamela Sweeney) - “Thank you for your dedication to the alumni and school.”
1975 (Heidi Bush) - “I enjoy the alumni Newsletter.”
1975 (Lisa Corrao Unwin) - ❤️
1976 (Thomas Behan) - “Art, thanks for distributing the Wheatley newsletter.
1976 (Cheryl (“Cheri”) Hahn Rice) - “I love reading the Newsletters. Thank you.”
1976 (Alan Zahn) - “Keep up the amazing work!”
1980 (Nicholas Bisceglia) - ❤️
1980 (Lisa [“Lena”] Ehrenberg) - “Thanks so much for all you do!”
1981 (Brian Seidman) - “Thank you for the Newsletters.”
1981 (John Hughes) - “Another great job with the newsletter! Thank you for all of your efforts and for taking the lead on such an important document.
1988 (David Mahaffey) - “Thanks for another issue of the Newsletter!!!!”
1993 (Antoine Delgrange) - “Thank you for your empathetic leadership of the Alumni Association.”
2004 (Jacob Dixon) - “Thank you for this absolutely awesome newsletter. My goal is to bring back my class and those after me to be a part.❤️”
That’s it for The Wheatley School Alumni Association Newsletter # 81. Please send me your autobiography before someone else sends me your obituary.
Arthur Fredericks Engoron, 1967